St Mary and the Holy Rood


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The Church of St Mary and the Holy Rood in Donington Lincolnshire is a great landmark is a great tribute to the medieval builders. The True glory of this church is the 14th century tower with a spire rising more than 160 feet. The tower has garbled buttresses climbing to the battlements and its base forms the porch.

We are told that the oldest parts of the church is the east wall where two doors, one each side of the altar, but now bricked up perhaps indicate the existence of an early relic room. The beautiful 15th centrury window above the High Altar was filled in stained glass in the late nineteenth century and shows the Ascension of Christ.

The Nave is very spacious and has plain clerestory windows above a colonnade of seven arches each side. The Porch at the base of the tower houses the doorway above which is a figure of Our Lord pointing to the wound in his side. The floor is inscribed in memory of the Glled Family. On the outside wall it is just possible to see the remains of two scratch dials. Although the first bell was hung in early 1529 it was not until 1953 that a complete octave was achieved with the introduction of two new trebles.

Among the many memorials is one of real interest to Captain Mathew Flinders. Flinders had a short but amazing life, first as a young sailor on the Bounty under Bligh, the mutiny was well past, and subsequently on his own command he surveyed much of the Australian Coast.

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